QE 4 ever?

The recent Bank of America Merrill Lynch [stock BAC][/stock] global fund manger survey shows a firm support for the long-term, continued quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve.

Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s dedication to QE has countless critics, including Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas CEO Richard Fisher, who recently noted how addicted markets are to Fed MBS purchases.

Those in charge of managing funds with global investments clearly don’t share the sentiment.

The report even goes so far as to refer to Bernanke as a “master” of liquidity.

“QE has brought “peace” to the financial world,” the report states. “Investors say “liquidity conditions” are the best ever. Few see the peace ending.”

And many simply don’t see a wide scale exit of the Fed from the mortgage bonds space any time soon, or ever.

42% believe the Fed will never sell its MBS assets. 34% see some sales with a portion held to maturity and only 3% expect the Fed to sell everything.

254 panellists participated in the survey, with a total of $691 billion in assets under management.


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