
MCM Holdings Targets Reverse Growth, Hires Jason Levy as CEO

MCM Holdings, Inc. has brought on Jason Levy as chief executive officer and member of the board of directors as part of the company’s aggressive efforts to target reverse mortgage growth.

Levy’s hiring follows the launch of MCM Holdings’ new broker development network platform and licensing expansion into new states and territories. The Miami-based reverse mortgage wholesaler is now licensed to buy loans in more than 26 states and Puerto Rico, with expectations to be licensed for 10 more states in the second quarter of 2014. 

“Our main focus is to help our wholesale customer base adapt to the ebbs and flows of the ever-changing reverse market and help them build their retail efforts by leveraging my 21 years of retail experience,” said Levy in a statement. 

Levy has previously served as CEO of Guardian First Funding Group, which grew into a top-10 retail originator under his guidance. He also managed the Robert Wagner Brand for several years prior to selling it. 

Other career experience includes developing the Reverse Lending Network, focusing on lead generation in the reverse mortgage space, and launching RLN MEDIA, a full-service media agency that handles all aspects of brand development. 

With Levy on board, the plan is to help clients to direct their marketing dollars efficiently through services offered by The Broker Development Network. 

“I want to help forward and reverse only shops learn properly about our public policy product. Instilling the confidence in them to invest in the reverse distribution channel by tapping into my retail experience,” he said. “This will help grow volume levels by bringing in new players into the reverse space during a time that has shown reverse volume dropping.”

Retail lending is a science, Levy said, calling the reverse mortgage retail market a “complex niche” that requires an efficient approach focusing on accountability, sustainable lead costs, and the ability to organically grow lead generation capabilities. 

“The reverse market landscape has dramatically changed and now it is the time for a wholesaler to invest more than just pricing incentives to gather market share,” says Michael Camus, president and chairman of MCM Holdings. “MCM is now equipped to develop its customer base on how to build an efficient retail environment and mitigating painful learning curves.”

The new alliance will help MCM’s brokers take their business to the next level, Camus added. The lender is currently projecting substantial growth in volume thanks to new hires such as Gary Greetis on the West Coast and Andrew Liebowitz on the East Coast as business development managers, and Gloria Betancourt heading up business development in Puerto Rico. MCM veteran Hader Mahmoodi leads the company’s wholesale team. 

Written by Alyssa Gerace

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