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From the HousingWire executive team — Black Lives Matter

The executive team at HousingWire is horrified by the tragic and brutal murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. As two white women, one white man, and one Hispanic man, we know the pain and fear we feel is only the tip of the iceberg of what our Black team members and industry colleagues may be feeling. 

We’ve spoken with our Black team members today, and feel as an organization that we can’t be silent about these outrageous acts of racism and hate. Our response will be threefold:

  1. To the extent that they want to be in the spotlight, our Black team members will be front and center in formulating our coverage strategy on this topic. 
  2. Our expertise is in housing, and there is a long history of structural racism and systematic oppression in the housing industry. We want to shed light on this unfortunate past in the hope that increased awareness can help our industry better solve the current challenges of low Black homeownership and wealth formation. 
  3. Black professionals are underrepresented in the housing industry, and we will continue lifting up their voices on our website, email newsletters, podcasts, videos, and magazine. 

We welcome the feedback of our community and industry. Our direct emails are available below. 

Black Lives Matter,

Clayton Collins, Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Wheeler, Editor in Chief

Jennifer Watson Laws, Vice President of Sales

Diego Sanchez, Chief Product Officer

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