PromonTech has integrated its point-of-sale platform, Borrower Wallet, with Optimal Blue in a bid to enhance the customer experience.
Now, Borrower Wallet users will be able to review the types of mortgages they qualify for using search criteria, or they can work with their loan officer to search information on Optimal Blue’s product eligibility and pricing engine.
Borrower Wallet aims to make it easier for borrowers to oversee their loan process, keeping them informed throughout and enabling them to sign disclosures and send documents.
It also offers users access to a dashboard that displays credit score, debt-to-income and loan-to-value ratios.
“In this competitive mortgage market, today’s lenders are looking to differentiate their service offering and meet new consumer demands,” said Bob Brandt, vice president of marketing and alliances at Optimal Blue. “By integrating with Optimal Blue’s advanced API, PromonTech provides lenders with the tools they need to succeed by enabling the borrower to seamlessly access accurate pricing and product selection early in the application process.”
“Our main goal at PromonTech is always to provide the best possible service and home-buying experience for our customers – borrowers, lenders, and loan officers,” said Michael Kolbrener, chief technology officer of PromonTech. “Partnering with Optimal Blue streamlines the application process by offering our clients real-time access to the most accurate product eligibility and pricing information.”